
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

77 degrees!

yep... that's what the thermostat in the house read today! I just about took a picture of it! C.R.A.Z.Y. stuff I tell ya! Spring and summer will be here before we know it! It was so beautiful that the 3 older boys spent most of the afternoon outside playing. It was nice not having them couped up in the house!

I had my Weight Watchers meeting today -- a little discouraged. I have been stuck at a plateau (fluctuating up and down with the same 3 pounds - UGH!!) for 4 months! Yes, you read that right, F.O.U.R.! I exercise 6 days a week for 45 minutes and follow the CORE plan religiously. I've lost 50 pounds in about a 6 months time period but have been STUCK since November and am getting discouraged. Well, my leader thinks it's becuase I'm nursing and my body wants to protect the milk supply. Makes sense to me... since I have heard that from several sources. With my exercising and nursing, etc... we figured I *should* be eating 36 points a day! Since I do CORE and don't count points I have no idea how close to that I eat and so it was quite possible that I haven't been eating enough and my body thinks it can't let go of the fat... so today wa my first time to count up all the points for my day... come dinner time, I still had 20 POINTS left! so, I'm thinking maybe I haven't been eating enough.. I'm going to keep track for this week and beef up my eating to see if that helps. John, always looking on the bright side of things, said to me this evening after my rant about the whole "plateau" thing... he says "well, if you're going to be stuck at a plateau.. .what a GREAT place you are at to be stuck at!"... it made me feel happy :)
ok.. enough about that... sorry for the rambling! Let's see... the boys all spent the night with Grandma last weekend.. here's a picture of them with her. Of course, she spoiled them all and they returned home will new Tamagotchi's! Which my boys all think are so cool - LOL... alright, it's quite late.. so better get..

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