
Monday, November 24, 2008

my girlies

My girls are growing up! I can't believe that at the end of this week they're going to be 7 months old! It has flown by so fast! They've hit a couple of new milestones this past week....

* They now hold their own bottles! I'd gotten rather good at feeding them simultaneously - one to the left of me while the other laid across my lap - me holding each of the bottles (and then I'd switch positions at the next feeding of who was on my lap)... anyway, they both feed themselves their bottles - I just sort of sit with them and do "bottle control" in case they drop it and need some help :)

* They both got their 2nd tooth on the same day (a week ago Sunday)

* Lexi is about to CRAWL!! she gets up on all 4's and rocks back and forth (she actually moved about 2 paces this morning alternating her arms and legs) so I know it won't be long before she's mobile.... Aubs is content to roll around :)

Enjoy the pics I took of them today - they are just so sweet and loveable!


Fab said...

Too adorable Shandy! :) Having girls is just too much fun! :)

Alli said...

I want to come over and just kiss on their cheeks!!!

Jamie and Lindsey said...

They ARE getting big! I can't believe how time has flown either. They are so sweet. . . .although I still can't tell them apart!

Stephanie said...

I love those adorable hats. They are too cute.

Cindi said...

It's awhole different world when they start holding their own bottles. Emmett started that as well. Time flies when you are having fun - Emmett will be 1 in a little over a week.

Busy Lady said...

Okay I love those hats!! Your girls just get cuter every day. By the way, I love the picture of your family off to the right, I guess you got a good one after all. That comment from John about the Twilight movie was awesome!!! What a man! I loved the movie too!

Sara said...

Oh, How cute! I just love those soft furry hats!

The Legg Fam said...

The girls are SO cute. I love checking out your blog, and seeing how much they are growing.