
Wednesday, January 28, 2009


<--- this is such a Nathan stance lately. Whenever he does anything (whether it be good or bad) he is more than enthusiastic when he comes to show it off. For instance, the other week, he got into the pantry and dumped oatmeal ALL over the floor and then danced around in it so it was literally from wall to wall... he then came and got me to show me. When we walked into the pantry, he immediately put both hands outstretched towards (the mess) and proceeded to say "Ta-Daaa!". When I didn't share in his glee, and told him that this was a naughty thing to do, he walked around to the other side of the mess and again said "Ta-daaaa!"... this went on 3 different times until I recognized his messy achievement. He has done "Ta-daaa's" for writing on the counter, writing on the wall, pulling all of the paper cups out and stepping on them, turning on the TV when he's not supposed to, finding a lost item, completeing a new look to Mr. Potato Head, driving a remote control car... well, you get the idea... Even though most of the time, it's to showcase something naughty, it's seriously the cutest thing ever! and I hope it continues on for a bit more....

Also, he's growing up! Granted he's just 2 years and 4 months old but he went through a right of passage this week. Yep, that's right. He had his first playdate! My neighbor has a little girl just a little bit younger than Nathan and she called up on Monday to see if he could come over and play. After confirming that she really indeed want to voluntarily take him into her home to play, we got him bundled up and trekked the one house over. He wasn't quite sure what to think as I dropped him and left but upon his return, Jackie said that the 2 of them did fairly well together :) I snapped this picture as they dropped him off (although it was pretty cold and I think the 2 of them had had enough...) but it's cute nonetheless! He came in and (literally) fell onto the couch and slept for the next 3 hours!


Kerrie said...

Wow, he looks so boy in the top picture. Even compared to your family pictures, he looks like he's losing the baby look. (Sniff, sniff) You can cry on my shoulder any time you want. (=

Kristy said...

Kids are so great for laugh! Even though they do naughty things sometimes I am glad we can still get a laugh in!

The Legg Fam said...

He is growing up so fast. I hate that kids do that. Why can't they stay small, just a few more years?

Jamie and Lindsey said...

How cute. I love those times when they do something naughty and then do or say something cute right after and you have to bite your lip and try to stay serious.
I love the cute play date picture with Lizette!

Kimberly said...

shandy, i can't believe nathan is 2 years 4 mos old! i remember when you were pregnant with him. and now you have the girls...and they are growing so fast too. what a trip.

just wanted to say hi.

Amber said...

That's my boy!

Hey, when are we getting together?

Rummfor5 said...

how stinkin cute is he? I mean it.
He's scrumptious lady.
And the one w/ him and his paci. ..
why are paci's SO CUTE in the mouths of little people?? :)
what a cute family. you're such a fun mom.