
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Memories of January 25

Happy Birthday to my Grandpa! Today he would have been 107! Here's a picture from back in 1984 where my family is with he and my grandma (yes, I'm the one with the striped skirt :) He died when I was 13 and since my dad was in the military we didn't get to see them all that often (we'd come out here to Idaho - they lived in Burley) each summer for a visit....
Also on this day in 1987, I was living in New Jersey and we had just gotten a lot of snow! Behind our house was a HUGE hill - that was affectionally known as the "40 footer" - but who knows how big it really was - LOL.. anyway, it was right before dinner and I wanted to go sledding down the hill a few times before eating... most of the other kids from the neighborhood had all gone in (excpet myself and one other kid). I grabbed one of those saucer sleds and started down. Now, at the bottom of the hilld there were 2 sheds and the object was to go in between the sheds for a free and clear ride. Sometimes you'd get off course and hit the shed (which I had done before)... well, on this particular ride down I could see that I was off course and heading straight for the shed on the left. I stuck out my feet for impact and C.R.U.N.C.H.! I knew immediately that I had done something to my foot. I was in sooooo much pain! I yelled for the other kid to go get my mom and (well, to make a long story short...) I broke the bridge of my foot and dislocated ALL of my toes! The swelling was too much (they had to reset my foot before putting it in a cast) but they couldn't do that until the swelling went down. So for almost 2 weeks I stayed home playing monopoly and other games with my mom :) After the 2 weeks, the swelling still wasn't were they'd like it to be but they were worried that my foot would heal in the wrong position so went ahead and reset it - and that HURT sooooo bad! they hung my foot up by a contraption that looked like a Chinese Finger Trap (but for toes!) and then proceeded to physically put my toes back in the correct sockets - OUCH!!! So anyway, that's me reminiscing about January 25....
John had drill this weekend so the kids and I were solo at church - not so much fun... but several of the ladies at church jumped right in and helped me out - BIG TIME!! It was August
s first time to pass the Sacrament (he was pretty excited :) - so I didn't have his help and both girls were beginning to fuss and Nathan wasn't being very cooperative! But then a gal 2 rows behind me took Lex for the remainder of Sacrament (and even got her to take a nap!) and then during Sunday School :) And during RS I had several ladies help!! thank you soooo much! I am so thankful for the kindness of my friends to always help me out (and do it willingly and with a smile on their face - LOL).... after church the girls and I took a nap and when they woke up they were just too cute not to take some more pictures of them! (Plus, I had to show daddy what his little girls looked like today at church - since he couldn't be there ;)


Cindi said...

Holy cow Shandy! Your foot story is crazy. Glad to hear that it all worked out. Your girls look adorable!

Jamie and Lindsey said...

Ouch! That foot story made me feel your pain, it sounds like that was a horrible day for you.
The girls did look really cute yesterday and I did love holding them. I think I am ready to be a grandma . . .I mean I am ready to hold another baby but I am SO not ready for another one of my own yet.

Anonymous said...

dang you guys have a good looking family --- sure miss you all...


what's your email addresses?

Melissa said...

OUCH!! That makes me hurt just reading it. BEAUTIFUL pictures of the girls!!

Cathy said...

It made my foot hurt reading that, too! A good story to tell your kids about, though :) And, your girls are SO CUTE! I'll bet they are just so much fun to have around.

Busy Lady said...

Okay, I was in pain just reading that foot story, yikes! I have a scary NJ story too, maybe that is just not a good place to live. Your girls are so cute, I love the leg warmers. I'm glad that you are getting all of the help you need at church, the ladies in our ward are the best. I didn't even realize John was gone on Sunday, you always look like you are doing great, I would be losing it at church with 6 kids and no hubby. You are an awesome lady!

Amber said...

Wow what a story!! Sounds like a ton of fun though when you were not breaking your foot.
Great job on going to church by yourself. I think I would not be as strong as you and just stay home..lol I do have to say we do have a great ward that helps out a lot and who would not want to hold those CUTE girls of yours? I love love their outfits.

P.S. Thanks again for the shoes. It really means a lot to me.

becky gomez said...

Those pic's of the girls are adorable! You do amazing at church with your little bunch! Placido and I were amazed at how well you managed all your little ones.