
Sunday, January 11, 2009

August receives the Priesthood

Well today August was ordained a Deacon in the Aaronic priesthood. How is that even possible? It really does seem like yesterday that he was brand new and we were prancing him throughout the night to keep him from crying (yikes!)
He's been excited for a long time for this day! (and this past week he kept telling me how he was nervous for the interview with the Bishop this morning - LOL)
Our ward now meets at 8:30am and the Bishop wanted to meet with August before church so he could be presented in Sacrament meeting -- Nathan has been pretty sick (again!) so the 3 little ones and I stayed home...BUT JOhn ran Seth home after church and stayed with nathan and I took the girls and we went back to the church to witness John give August the priesthood. It was really wonderful and August said that he feels really excited and happy about being a Deacon. There's a Temple trip this Saturday that he will get to attend (and John will be going as well...) We're all pretty thrilled about this major milestone that has happened to our little guy!


Handsfullmom said...

What a neat milestone for August. My oldest son just turned 8 and I can't believe how old he's getting. 12 still seems like years away.

The Rowley Family said...

Congrats to August. Next is the mission...

The Rowleys

Jamie and Lindsey said...

Those are so really cute pictures, he just looks so excited! I think it is so neat that he is so excited to be a decacon. I hope my boys will be the same someday.

Lynette said...

Yikes!!! That doesn't even seem possible!!! I swear!!!

Congrats August!!! You are a pretty good looking deacon, and you will do a great job passing the sacrament!!!

Pretty cool Shandy....guess you are now officially allowed to joing the "old" club! Hehehehe

Kerrie said...

Wow! It doesn't seem possible that they are really growing up until they hit milestones like that. Congrats, August!

The Legg Fam said...

What a great milestone for August and for you guys. What a neat feeling it must be to have another worthy priethood holders in your home.
Way to go August, and Mom give yourself a little pat on the back!!

Busy Lady said...

So incredibly exciting! I loved it when my first boy got the priesthood and I thought it wouldn't be as exciting when the 2nd one became a deacon, but it was it is just so neat. Congratulations! You have a good boy there. Enjoy the temple, what a neat family experience!

Kristy said...

I cannot believe that he is that old already?! Where did time go? That is a neat milestone though. Congrats August!!

Cindi said...

Shandy, that is exciting! I can't believe how time flys with each milestone of each child. Congratulations August!!

Sara said...

Congratulations August! What an exciting time to be a priesthood holder! He will go far!

Laurie Nelson said...

I can't believe that your boys have grown up so fast. It has been so fun to keep track of you guys via your blog. Thanks for the cute pics of your girls as well.

Tell August that he looks very handsome in his suit. It won't be long before he will be wearing it for two years straight. I can't believe that my second missionary leaves in two weeks. AARGH!

Unknown said...

Oh no he didn't! Wow! Congrats!

Alli said...

Congrats August!!!!