
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sharing Pics :)

As most of you know... I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY! and wish I knew more!! Anyway, I took a little "photo nature walk" yesterday with Nathan and the girls (after they were all fresh from their naps...) and here are some of the shots that I got of Nathan (sadly, upon my return, I realized that my camera was NOT on the correct meter reading or area focus... but some shots still turned out and I made up this storyboard to house them...) On a side note: I found a whole bunch of 10x20 frames (PERFECT for storyboards) at Shopko marked down 80% so they were only like $7 -- and their 4x10 frames were only $4.99 -- so I picked up enough of the bigger ones to do a storyboard for each one of the kids (in fact, August is due for his photo shoot this afternoon - wish me luck - LOL). oh, and speaking of photos -- today was picture day for Ben and Seth -- and do you think I remembered?... no -- Do you think they went in cute clothes?.... nope. Do you think I at least combed their hair?... nada. So I called John in a panic around 10:40am (when I remembered) and he said one word... RETAKES! heheheh. I don't know why I pay for school pictures each year when I take my own of them like every month -- but I guess there's something about that gray marbled backdrop that reminds you of the yearly milestones... When Ben got home from school - he came and found us on our nature walk (actually we were just on the bike path right behind our house... so while he was there I snapped a few...)and this photo just cracks me up! I was trying to get the girls to give me some simultaneous smiles - so I was singing and dancing and then they gave me this look!
Well, my *me time* AKA: nap time is just about to come to an end... so better jet for now. Happy Thursday! (my favorite day of the week!)


Amber said...

Love the Storyboards, I need you to help me with some! LOVE IT!!!! You do sucha great job on all you do!

Kristy said...

Your pictures are all so cute! I love the look your girls gave you, that's what mine look like when I sing and dance too - ha,ha!!

Bonnie said...

Hi Shandy! How are you? To answer your question... we moved to SLC in July. It still doesn't feel like home yet. We still have our home back in Idaho, we are just renting it out for now. Hope you are doing good. You kids are looking darling!