
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pie anyone??

So Football season has started and John is one of the coaches for Seth's team. Each year they do a fundraiser (sold these $5 coupon books to local businesses). As an incentive, any player that sold 20 of them would get to throw a pie in one of the coach's face... well, that's all the motivation that Seth needed! He got all dressed up in his uniform and went around to the people we knew in the nieghborhood and then he even went to John's work and sold all 20 - sooooo... can you guess which coach he chose?? Look below at the pic of him "giving it to Coach Dad!" A couple of the others kids chose John as well - LOL... afterwards the coachs all ran through the sprinklers to get somewhat cleaned up!On Saturday Seth had his first real game of the season. He was in charge of drinks for the team. I took the girls with me and August stayed home and babysat Ben and Nathan. Their team lost - but Seth had a fun time! You can see him in the photo below - he's #70 - getting ready to hike the ball. I had lots more photos of the game but August accidentally deleted them :( but then I remembered that one of the players dad is a professional photographer and posts all the pics from the game on a certain website so here's one that had Seth in it :)It was a Drill weekend for John so he left on Friday afternoon :( This morning I got everyone ready and out to church... granted - we were a bit late but we made it! and more importantly - Nathan went to nursery!!! hooray! but I guess since he went, the girls thought they didn't have to be on their best behavior - so I spent the next 2 hours switching back and forth between fussy babies :( yeah, it wasn't really the funnest. oh well, they're still cute - hehehe. When we got home from church, we had a surprise waiting for us - John was home! (he doesn't normally get home until ike 6ish on Drill weekends) so it was great having him home! They had a change of command ceremony today where he stepped down as the Commander and turned it over to the new CPT. - so he was a bit sad... He'll take over another company next week.
And just because I take so many pics of the girls - here are a couple from this past weekend:

1 comment:

Kerrie said...

OMG your girls are so cute. I figured since you haven't been in the blogging world for a while, you were normal and needed the year to just survive with twins, but no, according to your blog, you are on top of things. You go girl! I bet they are fun. I have to say, I love my girl. My boys are fun, but it's fun to have a girl, I'm sure it's double fun for you. Good to see your alive. (=