
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Football Time...

so as most of you know... John really does put the FAN in Fanatics when it come to Boise State football... He and several of his buddies go all out and paint themselves for every home game here in Boise... I'm telling you - it's almost like an all day affair when BSU is playing - starting from putting on BSU gear as soon as he wakes up (and encouraging everyone else in the house to do the same!) to reading up on the BSU forums, talking to everyone and their dog about the game and then having everyone congregrate here to get painted up (usually about 4 hours prior to the game actually starting). They have season tickets for the South End Zone and it's quite the experience in and of itself! BSU has already had 2 home games this season so far and here's a pic from each of them... Below is Bill, John (right) and little Ben - g'ma dropped him off at the game so he wasn't able to get painted up...and here's John and August all ready for the game!
and this past Saturday was another football game for Seth - he has one every Saturday until the end of October.... Here's a picture of Seth and John all ready to leave for the game. I have to admit that it's actually pretty nice (and convienent) that John is one of the coaches - that ensures Seth will actually get there on time AND daddy will always be there to watch him :)

1 comment:

Handsfullmom said...

How cool that you're from Boise (or live somewhere close, I gather!) I grew up in Meridian and graduated from Eagle High School.