So I'm in a dilema... I have so much I WANT to do and don't know what to do first. Boys are all tucked safely into bed. John has called from Kentucky and he made it safe and I've got about 2 hours till I *have* to put myself to bed...
I want to SCRAP
I want to BLOG
I want to DESIGN
I need to CLEAN THE HOUSE (notice.. not want to on that one - LOL)
hmmm.. guess that's about it. Since I'm already here, I'll go ahead and finish up a quick post and then I'll feel like I'm doing something fun with my "me time".
So.. it's official. I joined the ranks of STORE OWNER today. Launched my digital scrapping store this morning. If any of you are interested, here's the link SVdesigns. There are literally THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of digital designers out there - the market truly is oversaturated... but I have such a passion for it and my hard drive was getting full with all the kits and stuff I've made so figured I might as well try and sell them. I've been asked a couple of times to come sell but think I'm going to just go with my own store for now - I have a lot of traffic to my blog - in the 2 months I've been posting, my scrapblog has had over 56,000 hits - so I know people will actually see my work. (who knows.. maybe my next post will reveal that I've signed on with a store - LOL). Anyway, also with so many thousands of designers trying to break into the industry - EVERYONE gives away free stuff as samples of their work, etc... so I know a lot of my followers at my scrapblog are there for the free stuff I create - which is totally fine. I'm just super excited people are even using it! I know people like my stuff. most of my items have been downloaded 1000+ times! Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I didn't want to set myself up for a dissapointment so I said that I would be THRILLED and feel successful if I got 10 orders today. I'm happy to report that I have almost DOUBLED that number and it's only been about 12 hours! Anyway, so I'm pretty excited. The best part of the day was when I received payment from Christi (a fellow scrapper over at Scrapgal) and she literally bought up over half of my store! That was just the best compliment! So... we shall see how the rest of the week goes. I'm having a $.99 grand opening sale this week. All the $$ I make is getting put into our cruise fund -- HOORAY for vacations! Well, guess I've gone on long enough -- better move on to my next WANT of the evening!
1 week ago
Congrats! I'm sure you'll be very successful. :) One of these days I'll have to give the whole digi-scrapping a try.
that's cool Shandy. :)
Good luck, and I'm sure it will be so successful!! I still am in the dark about this digital scrap booking, but I'm going to check into it.
(I had to smile when you said, "So we shall see" Because I remember you said that all the time. I guess you still say it :) )
Shandy... I have a confession to make...
You are the first designer/store I have EVER bought digital stuff from. I figured there was enough free stuff out there that I could last awhile on that.
The only reason I told you that is because I think you are awesome, and I want you to know it!
Very exciting, Shandy!! Congrats!!! I'm sure you will be VERY successful!!
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