
Friday, February 9, 2007

Sad Times

Most of you know that John is the Rear Detachment Commander for the 321st EN BN out of Boise. Well, they got very sad news yesterday. 3 of their men were killed and 2 were wounded. He spent most of yesterday notifing the families (something he absolutely didn't like doing).

He did a press conference today and this picture is the picture posted at the Idaho Statesman website (that's probably illegal to link here, huh?? - actually I saved the pic to my computer and then uploaded from there - is that any different?)... anyway all of the TV stations were there and he had to answer all of the questions. I believe it will be airing later today.

He just called me and said that we (the family) probably wouldn't see him very much in the next 4 days. I feel very sad for the families, and the young widow. You can see the sadness in John's eyes in this picture. No, today is not a good day.

Click Here for the whole story that is being released on the Idaho Statesman Homepage.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Shandy, there is no easy road for you or John to travel with this responsibility.

Looking at his eyes in this photo, breaks my heart.

But I also know that John will bring some measure of peace to the families who have suffered THE ultimate loss.

And I know YOU, Shandy, will be there to give John the love and support he needs to do what he must do.

Peace and Grace