
Monday, February 12, 2007


Another Monday is coming to a close... it's nearing midnight and I still haven't seen John yet. Poor guy, he's got to be exhausted! I'm sure this is how most of this week will be until after the funerals are over with. I'm just glad he's safe and not off in Iraq - so I will gladly take these late nights.

On to other news... Nathan learned a new trick today! He rolled over! I was snuggling with Benjamin on the couch and I happened to look down on the floor where Nathan was playing and saw that he was on his stomach - when I had placed him on his back! I hurried and grabbed the camera (certain that he wouldn't do it again) but he did! He'll turn 5 months old on Thursday. Here's the video (just click the little arrow on the screen - it usually takes 2 clicks). It's mainly for grandma and grandpa to see - but feel free to watch it as well (just ignore my voice in the background - LOL :)

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