So something quite interesting was brought to my attention this past week... that I'm married to a "bad boy"! and with those words being in quotations -- you know it's serious! We're talking mullet wearing, guitar playing, and "combs in the back pocket" cool!
So let the story begin....
John grew up in a very small town in Alaska and since being on facebook he has been able to reconnect with most of the kids he grew up with. One of these friends wrote me an email directing me to her own blog post that she made a while back and thought I'd find it funny (and I did!). After reading it I asked if it would be ok to share bits of what she wrote along with the photos and she was more than happy to oblige :)
(preface: the original blog post was about how they didn't have any stores in Valdez to buy the "big" earrings that were all the rage in the 80's and so she made her own by cutting out pictures of earrings from catalogs and glueing them onto cardboard -- (quite creative, I must say! LOL)... below is taken from her blog...)
"...I had a whole jewelry box full of these cardboard babies, but I don’t remember wearing them. Except around my bedroom. Like some middle school fantasy dress-up diva.... I did have a pair that I thought were scandalous. And I thought it would be really "Suggestive" if I ever wore them (they said "Soft Shoulder" and were road sign ones), so I just dreamed about wearing them and having a boy ask me if my shoulders were really soft. Oooh, the excitement of that question was almost too much for my 7th grade mind. And the boys I dreamed about were Troy Fenner, Matt Kiser and John Vogt. They were the boys with the coolest mullets and the combs in their back pockets. Now that my daughter is in Middle School I watch her like a hawk. Mostly, to see if she's as weird as I was and also to see if she likes the "Bad Boys" like I did. I am so afraid, she does share my DNA, you know!! These photos were taken in 1988, when I was in 8th grade. They are of Matt Kiser, Lance Komkoff and John Vogt."

John is on the far right in both photos... and were from their 8th grade yearbook.
as I was telling this story to my friend, she matter of fact stated... "well, that's what attracted you to John in the first place - that he was a "bad boy" with his long hair and earring (and that he wasn't a member of the LDS church)."
YIKES! she was right! I guess I'll be much like this gal when the twins are in middle school to see if they too, are drawn to the bad boys -- let's hope not because I don't think their dad will stand for it! LOL