Where has the time gone???
Where have I been??
Only Day 16 and it's almost February :(
Maybe the picture for today should be one of me with a towel at my feet representing me "throwing in the towel" for this 365 project! The past little bit has been absolutely crazy! I have been taking pictures but I haven't had the energy to download and blog about them... maybe I should just post them all at the end of the week? Lot sof things for me to think about but for now here is my sweet little Lexi after dinner tonight playing on the piano :) She makes me happy. She is so sweet and loving and bring so much joy and happiness to me!
I've got some super fun pictures to post (well, truthfully I have to take them first - LOL) but we had a couple of walls built in our house this week resulting in 2 additional rooms here in the home and I.love.them!!! I have some "before" shots and some "during" shots but I need to take the "after" shots to share. We enclosed the loft and Seth has "moved" in so now the older boys each have their own rooms. We also built a wall in our master bedroom - creating a bedroom portion and a sitting room area as well. Now when I say "We" - I mean a professional - LOL. Aaron Solomanson came in and did an extremely wonderful job!! When I post the photos I'll go grab his business card to share his contact info if any of you are in need of any work - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HIM! John and I have been so impressed!!!
So, we'll see what this week brings and (and how many post it brings with it - LOL)
3 days ago