I did something tonight I'd been wanting to do for a long time now! After I got done with my session at the Temple, I stayed and took some photos of this beautiful and Holy building. No flash was used - I had to set the exposure for anywhere between 5 and 30 seconds to allow enough light into the sensors! I loved it!! Enjoy some of my favorites from tonight...

now you might have noticed that these first few ones had a sort of "reddish" hue to the sky. That is because the Boise Temple sits right next to our big movie theater complex (and lots of restaurants and hotels, etc) that all the bright neon lights that were on from there, caused the clouds to be tinted. This next one is of the same (above) spire but I was turned a different angle and got just the solid black night.

ok, now I LOVE this next one! It's just different and fun and unexpected! Loving the starbursts on this one and all the colors (this is exactly how this picture looked out of the camera - no fancy coloring or cool lighting effects done in photoshop - just a slight curves adjustment to add some contrast)

and then another one from this perspective. I was actually on my way back to the van when I turned back and saw all of the street lamps lit and drawing my eye directly towards the Temple!

The hardest part of the evening.... having people coming in and out of the Temple! LOL.. with my exposure set for so long (especially when I would have the shutter speed set to 30 seconds - meaning the camera was actively taking the photo for 30 seconds) that was enough time for people to walk through the photo and I'd have to try again - LOL.. but I'm glad there were that many patrons there tonight!
Great Pictures!
Makes me very homesick!
Beautiful! That's where I was married (grew up in Meridian), so it's so familiar. I love the starbursts too.
So Pretty! I love these photos. The starbursts of light from the street lamps are so cool!
As always Shandy -incredible pictures! You have an amazing eye in the photos that you capture. Simply beautiful.
Shandy, we should really visit about photoshop, photography, twins and the like! I agree that coming from a Photoshop design background should help, though I'm trying to get my photos done so well that Photoshop is just the icing on the cake. My friend's been doing photography for years and complains about the hours and hours she spends editing each shoot because she's not that comfortable with Photoshop, while I can just zoom through the photos and spend just a few minutes on each. Anyway, email me when you get a chance -- handsfullmom at gmail dot com.
Beautiful! They are awesome!
Way to go Shandy! So inspiring!!
Shandy, I don't know if yo will remember me, but I found you through Scrapgal and used to post under the name Shoegal. It is so good to see you've gone on to add to your beautiful family. Girls and twins no less, I can only imagine. Your photography is beautiful and I'm enjoying catching up with your scrapping. WIshing you well in all that you do.
Nancy Klein
that is gojes an i well leave mor comets and viset my blog tell your frends to go to my blog
These are gorgeous! You're so gifted! We were just in Weiser 2 weeks ago and I wish I would have remembered you and John live in Boise. I would have loved to meet you and the kids! I'll remember next time!
Awesome Shandy! Especially love them since that's where we were sealed!
Shandy, These photo's are amazing! They are absolutely perfect! I am glad I stopped by your blog!
Hi my husband is wanting to paint a picture of the Boise temple and came across yours. Is it ok to be used? Just thoought I'd check. e-mail me at meccenzie.williams@gmail.com.
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