nothing like a momentous occasion like the girls' birthday to bring me out of my blogging dry spell! I can't really believe it! Exactly one year ago right now at 12:20pm Aubrie entered the world and 4 minutes later, Lexi joined her! My labor was really quick. I was admitted to the hospital by 9:30am and less than 3 hours later they were here.
I remember John and I discussing how hard our life was about to become - sleepless nights, crying babies, 4 other children to take care of... how would we manage it all?? I guess this was a time where we truly were expecting the worst and were prepared for it - BRING IT ON! Well, it wasn't like all the horror stories I'd been told about twins - we had no sleepless nights, we had no crying babies - we have been so blessed with such great girls! Like I've said before - it just seems so natural for babies to come in pairs - and I sort of wish we had another set of multiples as they are unlike any other joy you can experience. Yes, there's been times (namely when they were both sick the past 2 months) where it was hard - but I still loved every minute of it!
Lexi is walking (well, about 10+ steps at a time) and it makes me sad that they are growing up. The absolute best part of my day is when I go into their room to get them up (whether it be first thing in the morning or after their naps) and to be greeted by TWO smiling faces who's eyes light up when you walk into the room - it's awesome!
I put a little collage together of them month by month and it's amazing how much they've grown and changed (and how much hair they grew :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweet little twincesses - my precious gift from Heaven!
3 days ago
Happy Birthday Aubri and Lexi! I love that you call them the twincesses!
Priceless is right! Happy birthday girls and Momma too.
I really cannot believe they are one already! How did that happen!!! And walking??? Egads!!!
Love you are such a great mama and a super duper friend!
Have a fun twinners bday!!!
Happy birthday girls!! Congrats on this fantastic milestone Shandy! You are one truly amazing SUPERMOM!! Love ya!
You are just bursting with sunshine. And I can see why. They are so precious.
What a great tribute to your girls! They are so big now, and beautiful too. I can't believe they are one already. Happy Birthday little ladies!
I've not quite thought about the different kind of joy there is with having twins. Thank you for sharing your insite and I have to admit, there is nothing better than going in to get Jake in the mornings or nap time and he is all smiles. It must be wonderful to have two that do that. You are an awesome mom. Wonderful pictures and Happy Birthday, beautiful girls!
This is cute! I forget that chris and the girls are Birthday Buddys!! Happy Birthday!
I followed the link from twinstuff. Wow, they are so cute. I'm looking at your blog thinking, "she is so lucky, I wish I were that lucky." Wait! I am! Congrats for surviving the first year. They are beautiful.
Casey Jensen
(twinstuff lurker with 8 month ID girls)
Happy Birthday Aubri & Lexi :-)
I can't believe they are one already - time sure does fly. They are so cute.
Happy Birthday girls! I can't believe they are already a year old. It's just crazy how fast they grow!
Month 8 where they are both sticking their tongues out is the best
Happy Birthday. What sweet girls you have!!
one year, WOW!
I love what you put together for them, that's priceless too. I noticed you never updated my blog address, the one you have was deleted.
Happy birthday to your girls! Look how much hair they've grown in the last few months. My twins turn five in just two months. I can hardly believe the time has flown by.
You are amazing Shandy!!! I think the fact that twins have been easy for you is because you have such a GREAT ATTITUDE. I think it would be harder for someone else who isn't quite as positive as you are. It has been such a joy to watch your girls grow over the last year, thanks for sharing them with us, I hope you continue to do that, they are such cuties! Happy Birthday Twincesses!!
What an absolutely beautiful collage! You are so talented! First, you made SUCH CUTE BABIES! Then, you photographed them each month and did amazing things to make their eyes POP! And the collage. . . you are one cool gal! I love the "Priceless" deal, too. . . WOW, twins are EXPENSIVE!
No way. 1 already. Thay are SO Cute, and you are such a good Mom.
those are awesome, and I love the 'first smiles' one- that one choked me up.
you're a wonderful lady!
Oh my lands- they are adorable! You are an awesome mama- look at you go! What lucky kids you have. Your pictures are fabulous, too! Good luck with your new photo venture- go get em tiger!! love ya-g
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