John here. If you're looking for our Christmas letter, please scroll down.
For some news of monumental proportions, hang on to your knickers and read on.
So Shandy and I went to the doctor on Saturday to get our first ultrasound of our new arrival. We wanted to see what the sex of the baby would be. We had decided that this would be our last child and so I was really anxious to see if we were finally going to add a little girl to the family.
Now these ultrasounds are never 100% positive however all indications point to the fact that they are girls.
That's right, girls. Plural. As in more than one. As in twins.
The nurse starts ultrasounding (is that a verb?) and after
less than a minute he says, "Well, the first thing that I see is that there are two." I keep waiting for him to say that he's joking. Shandy and I look at each other. My left eyebrow raises like The Rock. I look at the Nurse in disbelief.

"Dude, serious?"
I believe that my first words after that were, "Holy Crap..." followed shortly by, "I guess we'll need to trade your van in on a bigger one."
So the dude starts going through all of the areas of the exam on the ultrasound. There's quite the laundry list of things he's got to look at. We determine that each baby is in it's own amniotic sack which is indicative of fraternal twins. It's 40 minutes before we find out the gender on Baby A. I'm thinking, So what's it going to be in our family? Six boys? Five boys, one girl? Four boys, two girls?
We end up discovering that both babies are girls. Both are about identical in size and are completely healthy and at the right stage of development.
Needless to say, Shandy and I are completely ecstatic. What a wonderful blessing. We look forward to the girls joining us with both great anticipation and a small measure of fear. Twins on top of four boys will be a tough job but we are up to it. I think we are still in a little bit of shock as we try to digest everything that will have to happen in the next few months. One thing is for sure: I need to get neutered here pretty soon.
LOL!!! It's really awesome. You could always give one to me. No? Darn. hee hee. I really am thrilled for you guys! Congrats!! When you guys are my neighbors, I'll help babysit. ;)
I would pay good money to see a You Tube tape of both of your expressions during that visit!
All kidding aside, I couldn't be more happy for you both. Twins. Girls.
I'd say you got a double serving of wish with blessings on the side!
That is so awesome you guys! I'm so excited (and scared) for you. :)
Grant has lots of advice on twins :)
He's excited.
He says he has all the answers ;)
We are SO happy for you!!
We got to read your news together.
We really love your family and are so excited and happy for you both.
Shandy!! You are the WOMAN!!
God Bless and you're in our prayers.
Lotus and fam
That is fantastic news!!!
One of my highlights of Christmas vacation was my phone call from Shandy announcing her twins! Thanks girl! I'm so happy for you guys! Also, way to go on being a designer for a digital store! Love you tons
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