fill in the blanks....
I wish I had more ______________ because_______________.
short and sweet... I wish I had more Time Managment Discipline becuase then I could do the laundry, the cleaning, the cooking, playing with the boys, scrap, design, do service, do more church work, etc, etc...
yeah... I'm feeling like my priorities haven't been in place and have re-dedicated to the things that are truly the most important. With the boys home for the summer.. I want to have fun with them! I really do! I was thinking how I limit their video game time to an hour a day and thought I'd put myself on the same schedule. So, during the day (meaning from the time they get up to the time they go to sleep) I only want to be on the computer for 1 hour. After bedtime... I can come back on and play for longer. Also... I want to have more evenings spent with John so I have decided that M-W-F would be my designing nights and the other nights would be spent having some quality time with John. Although where he is out of town so much... this will only be in place when he's home. I love designing so much that I could do it 24/7 and not get tired of it - LOL....
ok.. so the BIG reason I haven't blogged in many moons is because I opened up a second shop at Elemental Scraps This is the ad that I put out to announce it and the site owner also did up a big announcement introducing me (and 3 other designers) that she brought on for the gran re-opening on June 1st. I can have the same inventory at both this store and my personal store so that is good -- BUT I have to have my previews done a certain way for the store so I had to re-do all of my previews for the grand opening! that really was time consuming but I think they turned out great! I also came up with 7 new products for the grand opening! yep.. you read that correct -SEVEN! 2 mini kits, 2 template packs, and 3 new brush sets (which are so gorgeous! - although I might be a bit biased - LOL)... if any of you are interested in any visuals of these.. you can check out my Scrap blog for all the details :) I have totally been blessed with great sales this weekend... I even got a message from the store owner congratulating me on my high sales orders! Even though I pay 15% commission I felt opening up a second shop would be a beneficial and open me up to a new clientel -- which it totally has! I truly am amazed at how many orders I've had! It's exciting! I've totally been able to put the $$ into our cruise fund! :)
other quick updates...
Ben graduated preschool and will be a big kindergartner this fall!
Nathan is 8.5 months... still not crawling and still no teeth but the cutest lil' bug you ever did see!!!
Seth made the High Honor Roll... his class also had an end of the year talent show and to my horror, when I showed up to support him, guess what his *talent* was ---- it was something he called PIGGY MODE! Basically it was stuffing 2 cupcakes in his mouth in a very piggish way - LOL... All of the kids were cheering him on and it was quite the spectacle to say the least - LOL
August got all A's and then a C in home reading (he never would remember to turn in his reading log - argggghh.. oh well....)
John has been gone the last week to Ft. Lewis up in Seattle... he is home just for today and then will fly back out tomorrow for the rest of the week....
oh, John and I took advantage of the Memorial Sales last week and bought some new furniture! It gets delivered tomorrow! I'm so excited!
ok... guess that's it for now.. thanks for reading :)
3 days ago